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What is Spiritual Direction?

Spiritual direction is an ancient practice and has roots in many faith-based traditions. Through spiritual direction, we are encouraged to be more present to how the Divine enters into and exists within our lives. Throughout life, it is crucial that we have companions that will walk this journey with us and listen well along the way. This tender, compassionate spiritual direction relationship exists within an environment that is both sacred and safe. We enter into this sacred space with an attitude of wonder and curiosity as we foster discovery, but participation is always without criticism or judgment.

​While spiritual direction is an interactive relationship between the director, the directee, and the Divine presence of God, it is not to be confused with professional counseling, therapy, or religious moral guidance. Rather, the focus is on how to have an increased awareness of God in our individual daily life and to grasp a greater understanding of ourselves within God’s world.

Why enter into Spiritual Direction?

There are moments in our lives when we long for something greater or desire to know more about the Divine. Or, maybe the presence of God seems to be missing in our daily journey. At other times, we need a fellow companion to walk with us as we try to discover what might be best when a change is on the horizon or a difficult decision needs to be made.


Richard Foster writes that there is, “an underlying assumption and basis for spiritual direction…that God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—is actively drawing us into the Eternal Presence. God is the one, true ‘director’, working constantly, actively, powerfully in the very midst of our ordinary, everyday routines and life circumstances. A spiritual direction relationship is one way to help us pay attention to this Divine work. It interrupts our typical routine long enough to help us notice God’s wooing of us and become more deeply aware of God’s presence with us.”*

Book an Appointment

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